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  • Establishing a new

  • customer service

  • network with

  • 111 branches nationwide

Alton Sports has established a nationwide
network of 111 ABC branches through a careful
screening process that accounts for the location,
reputation, and quality of maintenance.

가까운 A.B.C. 찾아보기
  • ABC is a customer service center

  • that was never seen before.

The branches that were selected as ABC branches have been
selected through a careful and rigorous screening process.

  • We have selected only
    those branches with
    sufficient space for maintenance.
  • All of our ABC branches
    feature prime locations for
    your convenience.
  • All of our ABC branches
    have been screened for
    reputation and customer-friendliness.
  • All of our ABC branches
    have underwent customer service
    mindset and attitude reviews.
    • All of our ABC branches

    • have underwent systematic

    • customer service training.

    The employees of ABC branches have underwent Alton’s very own training system, the “Alton Mechanic School.” At Alton Mechanic School, we train employees with a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to ensure maximum performance, including customer service mindset, service procedures, maintenance techniques. and technology trend.

    • We offer professional

    • technology

    ABC branches are supplied with expert-level tools from Alton.
    We guarantee that, with our expert-level tools,
    the systematic training underwent by our ABC
    mechanics will not go to waste.

    • Thorough

    • evaluation and management

    Being an ABC branch involves yearly reviews on customer satisfaction and transparency, with awards for outstanding branches and license nullifications for substandard branches.

    • Systematic

    • capability

    • of ABC branches

    Our dealerships can handle routine maintenance or minor malfunctions on its own. However, our ABC branches offer speed and convenience by maintaining a stockpile of common parts for maintenance.